The Picture Book Production

Modelling and Programming
The first decision I made was to use matrix presentation as the basic design for the PICTURE BOOK. A new software tool named PIXY specialized in generating coloured matrix representations of data was created. A light version of PIXY is also available for free download.
After some experiments with different printers a 100x100-matrix on a A4-size-paper was found to be a good parameter constellation where the single squares act as one big coloured field. It was rather more difficult to find a colour translation from PI digits to square's colour. I included quite a lot of colour models into the PIXY software (predefined palettes, running palettes, triade-model, simple RGB-translation and other) but the results didn't satisfy my expectations.
The main fault was the result's dependence on my own "colour taste". So I was searching for a colour model that would not depend on one's predefinitions. I remebered the so-called SUZY-model from our Magic PiWorld project. There we realized a turtle's walk on a sphere based on PI digits.
Why not use PI digits to rule a walk around in the RGB-colour space?
Finally, we have to turtle's walking around in colour space and defining a certain squares colour.
All that left to do was programming an automation mode for generation, saving and printing the complete set of 3.900 pages for all 26 books. Graphic programing was done with Borland's superb DELPHI, the printing robot was designed with SUPEBRASE 3.6i.

The complete edition was printed on a single QMS MagiColor 2200 Desklaser.
It took me about 2 hours to print one book of the edition (ca. 45 sec/page). The correspondence between screen and printer colours was pretty good and stable. But I could not leave printing laboratory for a long time because there where moments when windows print manager crashed and printer calibration got lost (usually 50 pages were queued for printig) so that I had to restart the print jobs.
A complete set of toner (Y,M,C and B) was necessary to print out all 3.900 pages of the edition.
Past experience has shown that changing the toner can be a hard job...

A strange moment during the Picture Book production: used toner accident

My partners for the bookbinders job where Mr. and Ms. Kießig.
Mr. Kießig is a well known german specialist for restoring ancient books and designing covers for special editions.

At bookbinders store




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